New Blog to Supplement My Website
I have historically been pretty bad at updating my model railroad's website ( Updates seem to come several years apart. It's not that the railroad has stopped progressing, new things are added all of the time. It's just a pain to update the site's html coded pages to talk about them. So, I thought I'd try this blog format.Please visit the website for layout design, construction and operating updates through 2010. I'll use this blog to describe construction changes since 2010 and to present current projects being worked on as well as operational changes to the railroad that will be coming in 2015 and beyond.
Some of the layout changes include a new (well, new relative to my website but completed a year or so ago) switching area in the town of Franklin, a new turntable in Annville Yard and a small, relatively painless redesign of the yard that lengthened some of the classification tracks.
Here is the North end of the town of Franklin showing the new J. Smith Coal Co., Franklin Cold Storage on the far left (still needs a loading/unloading dock) and a holding track with loaded hopper in the foreground.
South end of Franklin showing the freight station, team track #1 (just this side of the freight station), team track #2 on the far right and Penn Metal scrap yard (with a gondola spotted). The new Franklin passenger station is on the left.
A PRR E6s Atlantic is arriving at the Franklin passenger station. The freight house is on the right. This whole area is relatively new and was not part of the original plan for this area. I'll describe the development of Franklin in the next blog posts.
I hope you enjoy reading about the Pennsylvania & Western and thanks for visiting my blog. If you're ever in the Cincinnati/Dayton Ohio area and would like to visit, please let me know.
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